June 2, 2017
June 16, 2017


What we see is vitally important to living a Life on Purpose. If we are not able to “see” what we want, it is likely we may never get it. In fact, it is almost guaranteed we will end up at A Destination but not one we truly desire. There’s a Bible verse that says “where there is no vision the people perish”-Proverbs 29:18. It is actually translated, “where there is no vision the people cast off restraint”. Restraint is the ability to keep something or someone under control. It is a safeguard. In other words, without a Vision, there is nothing in place to keep us on the right path. Without a vision we do whatever, whenever, with whomever because there is no VISION to keep us on track. There is no restraint.

A college student is a great example of this. College students enter college with the understanding that their part is to get up every day, go to class, study hard, get good grades and eventually graduate with a degree. The goal of the degree is to get a job with great income and live happily ever after.

When they enroll, they are told in essence “if you follow this “roadmap”, it will lead you to your desired outcome. If you deviate (take unnecessary courses, don’t attend class, take time off, don’t study, don’t pass your classes etc.), you will not be awarded your desired outcome. The vision of the degree and the hope graduation is what provides the restraint.

Without the roadmap given by the school administration, most college students would do whatever they wanted and still expect to receive a degree simply because they just showed up on campus. Sadly, they will not. In the context of Proverbs 29:18, it goes on to say “BUT happy is he who keeps the law”. God knew that we need a roadmap and certain restraints if we are to be successful. If we are to be happy!!!! The Message version reads like this: If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed.”


I am visually impaired. More specifically, I am nearsighted. I have difficulty seeing things far away. I wear eyeglasses or contacts every day in order for me to see clearly. I can’t leave my house without my “visual support’’. If I do, I put my life, my families and those near my vehicle in danger. Without my glasses, people and figures look blurry from a distance. I have to “guess” what I am looking at without knowing 100%. We wouldn’t dream of leaving home without our eyewear to help us see but daily we leave our homes without being able to see where we are headed tomorrow, a month from now, a year from now, 5 years from now….IT IS TIME TO PUT OUR GLASSES ON.

I recently taught a class to a group of female entrepreneurs and executives. I asked each of them to take a moment, close their eyes and visualize what they really want to do in life or what they want out of life. For some, the vision came easily and quickly. It was clear. For others, it took longer. Why would I have a group of busy professional close their eyes? Because I understand that if they can see it, they can have it! Fulfilling your Purpose hinges on your ability to SEE.

Now it’s your turn. Close your eyes. DO YOU SEE YOURSELF AS A BRAIN SURGEON OR A SCULPTOR OR BEYONCE!! (This doesn’t apply if you really want to be a brain surgeon, a sculptor or an entertainer like Beyonce).

Why Not?? It is because we see what is ours!!! WHATEVER we CAN “SEE”, is what is obtainable for us. I personally believe the reason we can see certain things is because it is ours for the taking. Most of us don’t see ourselves as brain surgeons or Beyonce, as glamorous as it sounds, because that is not what is ours!! What do you see? That is yours!

Let me encourage you to stop and take a moment (actually take more than a few minutes over the next few days). During this time, set your desire on really getting clarification on what you want from God. Take time to get a vision for your life. Don’t let another person’s vision motivate you. Let your vision be the roadmap to the next phase of your life. Don’t consider your age, gender, finances, physical limitations or family obligations discourage you.

If you can see it, it can be yours.